Scaredy Cat - Original Drawing (Framed)

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$ 400.00

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  • Regular price $ 250.00
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    Pencil & Ink & acrylic on paper
    Artist Selected Custom Frame 14 x 17
    Art size is 8 x 11 on torn edge sketchbook paper
    While working on a painting I did many sketches of this frightened feline. I hung this in my studio for two years. This drawing had a nice kooky mood. I kept in some half erased poses to increase the cat’s implied movements and emotions. Did he just move really fast? Or is that him seeing the phantom skulls out of the periphery of his vision? Or is that how he’s feeling while he puts on a brave face, calmly playing his ukulele? Things to wonder about while sipping a tropical drink, and contemplating the art piece.
    You know how cats are. Mine always stared at invisible things I could not see. Hawaii is just chock full of ghost stories. If you believed them all the archipelago would be the most haunted place on earth. My cartoon cat has the misfortune to accidentally call up most of the weird Polynesian spooks. It’s wacky, eerie and… CAT-astrophic!
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